Selasa, 17 April 2012

[INFO] biodata and fact about Kim Hyun Joong

Biodata and fact about Kim Hyun Joong 

  • Name = Kim Hyun Joong (read = Gim Hyeon Jung)
  • Born in Seoul, June 6th 1986
  • height / weight = 181 cm, 67 kg
  • blood type = B

  • Profession = actor, singer, model, ambassador of UN (2012), owner of Jaksal Chicken Restaurant (already has 9 branch in Korea)

  • nickname = Kim Dogcow, Leader, 4D Prince,  King of Asia (new)
  • Position at SS501 = vocal, rap, middle-low
  • In SS501 = Leader
  • Family = father, mother, older brother (kim young joong)
  • Interest = Soccer, Guitar, Sing, Dance
  • Talent = Playing instrument (guitar, bass, piano, drum), Singing, Dancing, Acting, great Soccer player (FCmen striker, <used to be captain>)

  • Has a black belt of takwondo ( highest level of taekwondo)
  • Has driving licence (vehicle, motorcycle, car)
  • Kim Hyun Joong when elementary school had ever won mathematics olympiad and he's always be the leader of class. He's a genius student when elementary school.
  • When high school, he turned to bad boy, because he wants to reach his dreams to be a musician, he's ever gone away from home because his father broke his guitar. whereas Kim Hyun Joong collecting money and working part-time to buy that guitar. 

  • Kim Hyun Joong is really hard-working person, he will do everything to make his dream come true, he won't let his beloved people (including his fans) disappointed because of him. When breakdown MV making, kim hyun joong practicing dance really hard. He decided to practice again and again untill he can do the best.

  • Favourite Colour = Black
  • Favourite Comic = One Piece
  • Favourite Sport = Soccer
  • Motto = Please don't download albums illegally !
  • Afraid of = Insects but he tells he doesn't afarid of ghost (altough Kim Hyun Joong has  ever told he has seen the ghost when he saw mirror and he really shocked)
  • Kim Hyun Joong is a heavy sleeper
  • Kim Hyun Joong is a romantic people
  • Kim Hyun Joong is funny people

  • Kim Hyun Joong is humble,  kind hearted, and honest people 
  • Kim Hyun Joong had 3 near death experiences when he ran away from home and one of the accident made a scarf under his left eye.
  • Kim Hyun joong is shy around people he doesn't know
  • Kim Hyun Joong can't feel pain when people pinch him
  • Kim Hyun Joong likes fishing
  • Kim Hyun Joong is very competitive person
  • Kim Hyun Joong can sleep anywhere, anytime, and he can't easily wake up
  • Kim Hyun Joong is very detail person
  • Kim Hyun Joong extremely ticklish around his ribs

5 komentar:

  1. You are really a wonderful and handsome person,,,,,,,
    Love you......

  2. You are really awesome kim...... I really love you kim darling.............

  3. my first ever korean celebrity crush was kim after watching playfullkiss which was my first korean serial
